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Homework Club

These clubs provide students with tutoring and mentoring. But most of all, they provide us with a way of keeping in close touch with the students so we can identify problems before they become so severe that the student is forced to drop out of school.

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Scholarship students who successfully complete high school are eligible for a university scholarship and the chance to achieve their dreams of a professional career. Your generous support of $4,250 a year provides university registration and tuition, textbooks, supplies and specialized equipment, a laptop computer geared to the requirements of the scholar’s major, housing and full board at Casa Amiga, and support building a professional network in his or her field.  


Thanks to the generosity of Sponsors over 110 Becarios/Scholars have graduated in the fields of medicine, law, education, nursing, business administration, software engineering, social work, and agronomy. Of those graduates, 94% are gainfully employed and the majority still reside in the state of Colima. With your support through a professional degree program, our students graduate as leaders with the skills and knowledge to create positive change throughout their entire communities.


Casa Amiga is a co-ed, residential facility purchased and remodeled in 2008 with generous contributions from Project Amigo’s board president, board members, and individuals who sponsored rooms. Much of the labor to remodel the home was provided by the scholars themselves during their summer and Christmas holidays. Situated within comfortable walking distance of the University of Colima, Casa Amiga houses Project Amigo’s university scholars whose own homes lie far from the city, or whose studies or practicums require long days or clinical service. In the summer of 2013, thanks to generous donations from many Project Amigo friends, a second floor was completed,  expanding the study facilities, recreational space, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Your $4,250 scholarship provides the following for one school year:

  • Tuition

  • Class and Lab fees

  • Bus transportation

  • Books

  • Schools Supplies

  • Specialty Equipment Needed for Each Major

  • Room and Board in Casa Amiga

Student commitment


  • Maintain GPA of 8.5

  • Minimum of 10 hours of monthly community service

  • Letter to sponsor

  • Attend weekly homework club



Casa Amiga is a co-ed facility purchased and remodeled in 2008 with generous contributions from its Board President and members, and individuals sponsored rooms. Much of the labor to remodel the home was provided by the scholars themselves during their summer and Christmas holidays. Situated within comfortable walking distance of the University of Colima, Casa Amiga houses college-level scholars whose own homes lie far from the city, or whose studies or practicums require long days or clinical service. In the summer of 2013, thanks to generous donations from many friends, a second floor was completed, expanding the study facilities and adding sleeping quarters and bathrooms.


Please Note:

Sponsorships are not exclusive. All sponsorship funds are pooled to assure that every child and higher education student in our program receives the same benefits whether he/she has a sponsor or not. Many students in our program each year do NOT have a sponsor. That means that other students may have more than one to assure funding is available for the scholarships of every student. We do not drop a student from our program because that student is not directly funded or because a sponsor elects to discontinue the sponsorship. Nor do we make decisions about a student continuing in the scholarship program based on whether he/she has a sponsor or sponsors. If a child fails to maintain the required achievement level or meet other requirements, we'll first work with the student to determine what issues are getting in the way of his or her success and work to overcome them. If the student doesn't progress and improve, he/she will be dropped from the program and the sponsors notified. It is our hope that sponsors will let us select a new student for them the following year.

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